Update on new books
I’m very excited to see The New Annotated H.P. Lovecraft up for pre-order on Amazon (http://tinyurl.com/odslqry) and IndieBound (http://tinyurl.com/pamp3up). It won’t be published until October 13, 2014, but I love the cover designed by the brilliant folks at Liveright!
We’re busy planning a tour–it will definitely include Providence, RI, with other cities to be determined–for October and November.
Meanwhile, I’ve actually started work on annotating Frankenstein, even though I don’t have to turn it in until July 2016. The wheels are turning in my head for a trip to Geneva, to take pictures and absorb the atmosphere. There are so many fascinating subjects for notes in the text, including of course the state of science in the late 18th century. The notes will also include a detailed comparison of the text of the 1818 and 1831 editions as well as my efforts to pin down the dates of the events described in the narrative (tentatively, it looks like 1794-1799 fits reasonably well).
Laurie R. King and I are also getting started on editing the stories for In the Company of Sherlock Holmes, due out from Pegasus in Autumn 2014. Watch for more information on our great contributors and the stunning tales! This is the book that the Conan Doyle Estate is trying to block, so you know that it will be good! Stay tuned on www.free-sherlock.com for updates on the legal case, now on appeal to the 7th Circuit.
Would it be possible to include the table of contents, at least the 22 stories, somewhere on your blog or on the W.W. Norton website? Thank you.